Free xml sitemap generator Conservative Nation News: New TV Ad Asks Jewish Dems: "Is This Still Your Democratic Party?"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

New TV Ad Asks Jewish Dems: "Is This Still Your Democratic Party?"

Obama's Democratic Party is an enemy of Israel and an enemy of freedom-loving Americans.


  1. As a Jewish American with plenty of die-hard Democrat relatives, I can tell you that they are plagued by the same disease that Dems rely on and which got Hussein into office. They are good, if not terribly smart, people who believe in "real" journalism, in the “unbiased reporting” New York Times and LA Times, and who also believe in “social justice” the notion of an almost infinitely flexible Constitution, trading freedom for safety, a woman’s "natural" Right to Choose death and other generic products of nanny state thinking. Bad people? No. Charitable, patriotic, loving citizens. Just people who are deeply, tragically indoctrinated.... Just like many Christians.

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